Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nutritional Supplements as Gifts Exercise Some Caution

Youve discovered the benefits of nutritional supplements and vitamins, and you want to share your newfound discovery with everyone. As a result, you decide that the perfect present for your best friend is a supply of some of your favorite nutritional supplements(

But wait!

Before you place your order, its imperative that you keep a few things in mind when considering purchasing vitamins or nutritional supplements for someone who has not specifically requested them of you:

1. Nutritional Supplements are a Form of Holistic Medicine

Would you go out and purchase a bottle of a certain brand of aspirin for your colleague just because you happen to like it? Probably not. The same holds true for nutritional supplements. Though they can be purchased over-the-counter and without prescriptions, they still have the potential to affect one individual differently than they affect another. Therefore, whats right for you isnt necessarily going to be right for (or welcomed by) your neighbor.

2. Nutritional Supplements Are Well Personal

Imagine someone handing you a roll of toilet paper and a tube of athletes footcream for your birthday. Ouch! Such items are meant to be personal, and many people feel the same way about nutritional supplements and vitamins( They are as uncomfortable receiving vitamin C tablets as they would be if you unceremoniously handed them a beribboned bottle of dandruff shampoo. Unless you know the intended recipient very, very, very well, purchasing vitamins or nutritional supplements may seem an odd, awkward, embarrassing, undesirable, or even rude gesture.

3. Nutritional Supplements Can Interfere with Medications

You just know it your best friend would love the vitamins and herbs( youre taking. So you buy her a big bottle and present it to her during your next gabfest luncheon. Unfortunately, what neither of you realise is that one of the key ingredients actually interferes with another medication shes been prescribed by her family physician (and that you knew nothing about.) Just because you think you know whats best for someone, dont assume that you know it all. Some people can encounter severe complications from taking pharmaceutical drugs and nutritional supplements simultaneously.

4. Nutritional Supplements Are Not, Alas, for Everyone

You may be totally, 100%, undeniable to nutritional supplements after realising their powers and abilities. But that optimism doesnt hold true for everyone, even those with whom youre closest. Many individuals are fearful of products with which they are unfamiliar, even the most basic multi-vitamins! Therefore, youll simply be wasting your money and time if you buy nutritional supplements for someone with the expectation that everyone is as open-minded to natural health as you.

ONE FINAL NOTE: Still determined to give certain nutritional supplements to a buddy? Then please ask him or her first for permission. That way, you can be on the same page, and although the gift wont be a total surprise, youll at least know that it will be used as intended and not discarded or allowed to disintegrate in the back of a drawer.

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